Building websites for as many people as possible can be challenging but rewarding. In this post, I will discuss the different users who could use your site and how accessibility impacts them.
Who needs an accessible website? Using Reducers with Context in React In this post, I'll explain what reducers are and how to use them when managing contexts for your applications to track changes in global state
Dialogs vs. Modals: Is there a difference? Many times, modals and dialogs are regarded as the same thing in web development. Are they really the same? I will explore the differences between the two.
First Experiences with Material UI In this post, I'll be talking about my first experiences with it and some of the benefits and challenges I've found while getting started.
Using Variables in CSS In this article, I'll teach you how to use variables in your css files and what the limitations are.
How to use React Context In this post, I'll show you how to set up and use React Context in your next project
Getting started with React Hooks Today I'll be showing you how to use some of the more common hooks provided by React as well as how to create your own custom hook.
React 101: The Basics Learn about the benefits of using React and the surrounding ecosystem for your project.
Let's build a search bar using React Hooks In this post, I'll show you how to build a search bar component using React Hooks to make state management, lifecycle methods, and other things a piece of cake.
Creating a better SEO component for Gatsby sites In this post, I'll show you how to build a better SEO component which is optimized for both search engines and social sharing to help your marketing strategy.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 4 - Includes & Mixins With Pug, you can use pieces called includes and mixins to make development more efficient. I'll teach you about it in this blog post.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 3 - Layouts Pug allows you to use inheritance to create a layout for the frontend and then insert blocks of data into the layout, causing a better developer experience.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 2 - Logic Today I'm going to show you how you can use variables and logic in your templates to make them dynamic and flexible to allow you to display data however you need.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 1 - Markup If you’re about to launch a web-based project, whether it’s for a small or large business, the following are the team members you simply can’t do without.
Using MongoDB with an Express.js Application MongoDB is a nosql database that is growing in popularity. In this post, I'll show you how you can use it in your next Express application.
Creating a Basic Server with Express.js I'm going to show you how to create an Express.js server. We will go over starting the server, setting up simple routes, and outputting various types of data.
Gulp Basics - A Modern Frontend Workflow Today I'll be teaching you some basics of a build tool called Gulp, what Gulp is used for, and how to use it when setting up a front-end for your project.
Creating Custom Gutenberg Blocks with React and WordPress - Part 2 I'll explain how to use JSX when building out custom Gutenberg blocks with react and WordPress.
Creating Custom Gutenberg Blocks with React and WordPress - Part 1 Learn the basics of setting up and building Gutenberg blocks in WordPress
Finding a Job While Using a Kanban Workflow In this post, I'll teach you how using a kanban workflow when finding a job can help keep you organized throughout the application process.
Creating A Kanban Workflow As A Freelance Web Developer As a freelance developer, it can be hard to keep projects organized. In this post I'll talk about what Kanban is, tools you can use, and how it can help you.
Take Snapshots of Your Project with Git Git is a tool which allows you to take "snapshots" of your project. I'm going to show you how to get started with git so you can improve your worklow.
Getting Started with the Linux Command Line Interface By learning a few commands can open a new world of functionality as a developer. Today I'm going to cover some of those basic commands to get you going.
Avoiding Burn Out as a Web Developer As a web developer, burn out is a very real concern. It's something that isn't talked about much, so today I'll talk about my experience and how to avoid it.
What I Learned from my First Tech Conference I recently attended my first tech conference. In this article I will talk about what I learned, what to expect, and how to prepare to have a great time!
How To Build A Blog with Wordpress and Gatsby.js - Part 3 In the third part of this series about WordPress and Gatsby js, we will be creating pages using templates and components using data from WordPress.
How To Build A Blog with Wordpress and Gatsby.js - Part 2 In the last post, we covered setting up WordPress for use with Gatsby. Today we will cover how to pull the data from WordPress into Gatsby and build pages.
How To Build A Blog with Wordpress and Gatsby.js - Part 1 Ever wondered how to use Gatsby js with WordPress? This post will cover everything you need to know about getting WordPress ready for a Gatsby site.
How to Use Sass and Styled Components in a React JS Application Today we will be covering a few popular methods to style our React JS applications such as Styled Components and Sass to explain the benefits of both.
Using Wordpress with React js In this article, we will cover how to use WordPress as a headless CMS by leveraging the WordPress API and React js when building a project.
this.state - How to Use State in React js If you're anything like me, the concept of state was confusing at first. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use state and props in a react js application.
What is the MERN stack and how do I use it? In this MERN stack tutorial, we will build a simple blog using React js, Node js, Express js, and Mongodb to add to our Full-Stack Developer toolkit.
Let's build a search bar in React! We are going to build a task app that also filters the list based on a search query in real time. Sound complicated? It's not as complicated as you may think, so let's dig in!
Parcel.js: Who says bundling needs to be difficult? I'm going to show you how to set up a project using Parcel for building a React app. It only takes about 5 minutes to get up and running (even less once you've done it a couple of time)!
React: Class Components vs. Stateless Functional Components In this article, I'll explain the differences between class components and stateless functional components as well as when and why to use the different types.
React: How to Create a Component Components are an essential part of any React application. In this post, we'll be learning how to create components to do whatever we want.
How To Build A Website In Less Than 10 Minutes I will teach you how to build a website in less than 10 minutes using WordPress so you can get your site up and running with a custom theme and plugins.
Web Designer? Web Developer? Website Builder? Building a website can be a pretty overwhelming task. This post will cover the difference between Web Designers, Web Developers, and website builders.