Tim Smith


Go back to the fundamentals of web development

    • accessibility
    • basics
    Who needs an accessible website?

    Building websites for as many people as possible can be challenging but rewarding. In this post, I will discuss the different users who could use your site and how accessibility impacts them.

    • basics
    • css
    Using Variables in CSS

    In this article, I'll teach you how to use variables in your css files and what the limitations are.

    • basics
    • react
    Getting started with React Hooks

    Today I'll be showing you how to use some of the more common hooks provided by React as well as how to create your own custom hook.

    • basics
    • react
    React 101: The Basics

    Learn about the benefits of using React and the surrounding ecosystem for your project.

    • basics
    • workflow
    Gulp Basics - A Modern Frontend Workflow

    Today I'll be teaching you some basics of a build tool called Gulp, what Gulp is used for, and how to use it when setting up a front-end for your project.

    • basics
    • workflow
    Take Snapshots of Your Project with Git

    Git is a tool which allows you to take "snapshots" of your project. I'm going to show you how to get started with git so you can improve your worklow.

    • basics
    • react
    React: How to Create a Component

    Components are an essential part of any React application. In this post, we'll be learning how to create components to do whatever we want.