With Pug, you can use pieces called includes and mixins to make development more efficient. I'll teach you about it in this blog post.
Posts about using the Pug templating engine in your projects
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 4 - Includes & Mixins Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 3 - Layouts Pug allows you to use inheritance to create a layout for the frontend and then insert blocks of data into the layout, causing a better developer experience.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 2 - Logic Today I'm going to show you how you can use variables and logic in your templates to make them dynamic and flexible to allow you to display data however you need.
Using the Pug Templating Engine Part 1 - Markup If you’re about to launch a web-based project, whether it’s for a small or large business, the following are the team members you simply can’t do without.